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1967 Chevrolet Impala

1967 Chevrolet Impala

SKU: 023

Dean's car, affectionately dubbed the Metallicar by fans, originally belonged to his father, John. It is first seen in the aftermath of Mary's death, as John sits with his sons on the hood of the car while his house burns. John later gave the car to Dean, although the exact date of this is unknown. In a strange twist of fate, it is actually Dean who convinces John to buy the car, instead of a VW van, when he travels back in time to 1973.


The Impala was built in Janesville, Wisconsin, on April 24, 1967.


Eric Kripke had always wanted the boys to drive a muscle car, because growing up his favorite TV shows all had signature cars. However, an Impala was not his first choice: When I was originally writing the show I wanted to give the guys an American muscle car. My first choice was a '65 Mustang. My neighbor said it has to be a '67 Impala because you can put a body in the trunk. He says, 'You want a car that, when people stop next to it at the lights, they lock their doors.'

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